If you're anything like me you use online bill pay to pay most, if not all, of your monthly bills. Perhaps you don't even open the bills when they come to your house. You can find the balance due online, you set up your bill to be paid, and you pay it. It's quick, easy and done. But this one thing could really be costing you.
Tip #53
Scrutinize each bill that comes in to your house carefully. We signed up for a new cell phone plan in January of this year. Recently I discovered that every month since January we have been paying an extra $15 for a service on our cell phones that we don't use. I have an unlimited plan and I was paying that plus a plan for texting that was left over from my old cell phone plan. So I had paid an extra $90 for something that I didn't need and wasn't using on this current plan.
I was able to work this out with my cell phone carrier and they have credited our account the $90. But who knows how long this would have continued if I hadn't looked at our bill.
I had a similar experience with our water/trash/sewer bill. We were being charged for something that we weren't using. I had never really read the bill very closely to know that was on there. Even though it was only a couple of extra dollars every month it had been on our bill since we moved in to our house a year and a half ago. $2 every month for 18 months is $36. It's not much but it's something that I don't need to be paying.
So really make sure you are taking a couple of minutes every month to really look at your bills and make sure the charges are correct.
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